All posts by Mel

The Handicapped Mat At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod Beach Is Ready.

The handicapped mat at Coast Guard Beach is installed and ready for summer. It is made of a heavy woven material so that big-tired wheelchairs can access the beach.

However, with all of the erosion to the beach over the winter, the slope down to the beach is pretty steep.  At high tide, there is almost no beach at the end of the trail. The tide comes in very high, almost to the dunes.

Beautiful Yellow Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly On Cape Cod.

I’ve seen so many of these beautiful Eastern Tiger Swallowtails flitting around in the woods and the meadows. This one finally landed right on the trail in front of me. (Click on blog link to see other photo.)

I took 2 photographs so you could see the difference between the upperside and the underside of it. Have you seen one this year yet?