All posts by Mel

Pretty Crown Vetch Wildflowers On Coast Guard Beach Trail On Cape Cod

The Crown Vetch wildflowers were so pretty on the trail from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach. These pink and white bi-colored flowers form 1 1/2″ golf ball size clusters at the end of a stalk and grow 1-2 feet. They make a very pretty ground cover from June through August.

Have you ever seen Crown Vetch?

The Views From Fort Hill On Cape Cod Were Spectacular!

It was a beautiful evening for a walk at Fort Hill in Eastham. Through the abundant pink Everlasting Pea wildflowers in the meadows, you could see a 3-masted sailboat sailing across the horizon going from Nauset Beach toward Coast Guard Beach. It was gorgeous with Nauset Marsh in the foreground!

What do you think?

Gorgeous Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly On Cape cod

I saw  this gorgeous Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly feeding on a Butterfly Plant at the high school the other day. I thought it was just magnificent with the orange flowers in the background.

Spicebush Swallowtail butterflies are 3 1/2″ to 4 1/2″ in wingspan making them a large butterfly. They are so different in coloing when their wings are open and when their wings are closed.

So pretty, don’t you think?


Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod Was Gorgeous!

It was a beautiful morning walk from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach, part of the National Seashore. The sun was shining and the temps were perfect.

I loved this photograph of the lifeguard chair on the beach before the crowds descended and with the surfers in the background. What do you think?