Tag Archives: Cape Cod Hiking

Little Cliff Pond Trail At Nickerson State Park In Brewster On Cape Cod.

We took an awesome hike at Nickerson State Park in Brewster called Little Cliff Pond Trail. You hike along the shores of Cliff Pond, then through the woods to Little Cliff Pond where you see some spectacular view, especially in the fall.

The hike back is along the opposite shore but up on a cliff along the smaller pond, thus called Little Cliff Pond. It was really pretty and fairly easy for the whole family.

Have you ever hiked Little Cliff Pond Trail at Nickerson State Park?


Relax At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod.

The trails at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary have many benches along the way so you can relax and enjoy the spectacular views. This is one of my favorite benches along the Try Island Trail. You can see way out on the salt marsh.

Beautiful, don’t you think?


Beautiful Black-Capped Chickadee At Beech Forest Trail In Provincetown

When we used to hike Beech Forest Trail about 15-20 years ago, people would bring seed to feed the birds. They became friendly and would land on your hand anytime looking for food. The last time we hiked there, feeding the birds and wildlife was illegal as they realized the birds and animals would get dependent on the food and not fend for themselves in the winter.

We haven’t hiked there in about 15 years, so it was such a treat to walk the trail again. I put my hand out for old time’s sake (I did not have any food) and a little Black-capped Chickadee landed on my finger. Phil happened to have his camera ready.

Pretty cool, don’t you think?

Interesting Yellow Mushroom On Cape Cod.

With all of the wet and humid weather we’ve had this fall on Cape Cod, the mushrooms are growing everywhere. We have so many different species in our wooded yard, I can’t even count them.

I saw this mushroom on one of our hikes through the woods. I’ve done a lot of research and still do not know what it is. Yellow Blusher? Fly Agaric? Can anyone help me with identification?

I loved the sunlight on it. What do you think?

One of my friends just commented that it looks like an American yellow fly agaric. 


Climbing Nightshade Wildflower Berries At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

I was so surprised to see these Climbing Nightshade wildflowers turn into these bright red berries in the fall. I had never seen the berries before.  I posted a photograph of the purple wildflower on my blog  on August 1st. The wildflowers are tiny, only about 1/2″ at the most.

“The fruit is an ovoid red berry about 1 cm long, soft and juicy, with the aspect and odor of a tiny tomato, and edible for some birds, which disperse the seeds widely. However, the berry is poisonous to humans and livestock, and the berry’s attractive and familiar look make it dangerous for children.”

Both the flowers and the berries are poisonous, so keep your distance!