Category Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

Huge Cruise Ship In Provincetown On Cape Cod!

This huge cruise ship dwarfed everything else in Provincetown Harbor. I could see it as we drove over the causeway the other day and was it big! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

I like the 2nd photograph that shows the coastline of Provincetown with Pilgrim Monument in the background and the size of that massive ship.


Hiking At Nickerson State Park In Brewster On Cape Cod.

We love to hike at Nickerson State Park, especially off season. There are so many trails to explore and ponds to view. There is always something new to see. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

We hadn’t taken the Cliff Pond Loop since early last spring when there were still no leaves on the trees. It looks so different now.

Have you ever hiked the Cliff Pond Loop? So pretty!