Tag Archives: Leica C-Lux

A Baltimore Oriole Was In My Yard Yesterday On Cape Cod!

I had never seen a Baltimore Oriole in the winter here on Cape Cod, so it was pretty exciting to see one in my yard yesterday! I had to look it up on my iPhone Sleuth Photo Recognizer to identify it. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

At first the Baltimore Oriole was on the ground eating whatever seeds or suet dropped from the feeder by the other birds when I remembered the grape jelly! I quickly got the grape jelly feeder dish and filled it up and hung it outside. (I usually put it away in early September.) Within a few minutes, he had found the feeder and was enjoying that jelly. (He eventually made it to some of the other seed feeders too.)

With the temperature of  9 degrees and a wind chill of minus 2 with gusty snow,  it was bitter cold outside. This last photo shows him all tucked into a little ball trying to stay warm. I couldn’t even find his head!

Yesterday was a blast! I just sat by the window and clicked away. It was like an all-day show with the birds! Sometimes there were over 30-40 in the yard! What a treat!

River Reflections On Cape Cod.

We were sitting by the river having our picnic lunch in the car and the water was so still. The reflections on the water were just beautiful. (Click on blog link for more photographs.)

I really liked the reflection of the boathouse with the flag. But then I couldn’t decide if I liked the simplicity of the first one or the one with the dock in it.

What do you think?