Tag Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

Rock Harbor At Low Tide On Cape Cod

Rock Harbor in Orleans is always spectacular whether it is high tide or low tide. I loved this photograph of low tide where you can see the flats go out for miles and the beautiful clouds in the sky. You can see the channel and the channel markers that look like trees in the water.

I took the first photograph about 3-4 weeks ago. I took the second photograph just a few days ago. It was low tide and you can still walk way out. But you don’t see the channel markers. I wonder if they got destroyed with all of the ice that we had. It’s also hard to see where the channel is… I bet it will have to be dredged out again this spring and new channel markers put in.

What Animal Is This On Boat Meadow Marsh On Cape Cod?

As I was taking a walk to the beach the other day, I saw this very strange “thing” on the marsh. I’m sure the ice from the deep freeze we had a few weeks ago with all of the flooding helped this along. My imagination took over…

Doesn’t it look like a huge animal head coming out of the marsh? You can see the the big head with its mouth and ice tusks and its dark nose up on the left. Its eye is on the top of its head with its ears down to the right. I thought it was so cool.

What do you think? It’s amazing what your imagination can come up with if you let it go…!



Ballston Beach In Truro On Cape Cod

“On March 9 of 2013 Atlantic Hurricane cut a 100-foot wide opening in the narrow barrier dune at Ballston Beach in Truro, on Cape Cod. Tons of seawater surged into the freshwater marshes of the upper Pamet River eventually reaching Route 6, and briefly turning the end of Cape Cod into an island.”

What an incredible story! I took this first photograph from the summit above Ballston Beach on the Pamet Trail. You can see where the dunes were swept away and the water went inland. I took the 2nd photograph a few weeks ago while walking on Ballston Beach with my son. It is expansive!

Mother Nature always does her own thing… incredible, at times!