Tag Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

Pretty Pink Dame’s Rocket Wildflowers Are Blooming On Cape Cod.

The Dame’s Rocket wildflowers are blooming along the sides of the roads and trails here on Cape Cod. They are such a pretty wildflower.

“ Dame’s Rocket is a pollinator powerhouse, offering a smorgasbord of nectar for butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Its blooms are a beacon for these vital garden visitors, supporting biodiversity.”

Pretty Pink Lady’s Slipper Wildflowers Blooming On Cape Cod.

The pink Lady’s Slipper wildflowers are blooming here on Cape Cod and are so delicate and pretty. I’ve seen them along the trails on a lot of hikes, as well as in our back yard!

“Pink Lady’s Slipper is a large, showy wildflower belonging to the orchid family. Its flower is magenta to whitish-pink; sometimes the whitish pink flowers will have darker pink venation. This plant grows 6 to 15 inches tall and flowers generally between May and July.”

Have you seen a Lady’s Slipper this year?