Tag Archives: Featured

Gorgeous Hike Sunday At Nickerson State Park On Cape Cod!

It seems like every hike that we take at Nickerson State Park is a 10! They are all so diverse and there is so much to see. (Click on blog link to see water tower.)

After the torrential rains on Saturday we got up early  on Sunday and took a trail near the old water tower. It’s a great hike, but not for the feint of heart! And there are so many different intersecting trails that you can make up your own different itinerary each time you go!

Belted Kingfisher Looking For Lunch On Cape Cod.

It’s amazing what you can find if you just drive around a bit and stop at some of the “hot spots” looking for birds. We saw this Belted Kingfisher flying back and forth from pole to pole looking for that perfect fish in the water.

It was a bit far away, but I really liked the composition of the photograph. What do you think?