Gorgeous View Overlooking Marconi Beach On Cape Cod!

The view overlooking Marconi Beach in Wellfleet was just gorgeous the other day. It doesn’t get much prettier. Look at that sky!

Happy New Year to you all! May you find some time this year to go outside and enjoy nature and all that it has to offer.

Taking Down Some Dangerous Trees At Our Home On Cape Cod!

Yesterday was the day to have some of the trees in our yard taken down. They were either dead and in danger of hitting the house or leaning so badly, they were destined to come down in one of the winter storms. (Click on blog link for other photos of the crew high up in the trees.)

We were most impressed watching one of the crew climbing up the trees and cutting limb by limb off as he made his way down the tree. Just amazing!


Common Eider At Boat Meadow Creek On Cape Cod.

The Common Eider is such a beautiful water bird. I love it when I see them swimming around. There are quite a few of them at Boat Meadow Creek and Rock Harbor this winter. (Click on blog link for more photos.)

The first photograph is of an adult male. The 2nd photo is of a male during its first winter. And the last photograph is of a female Common Eider.

Any birders out there, please let me know if this is correct!

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.