Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

The Baltimore Orioles Are Back On Cape Cod!

We saw our first Baltimore Oriole of the season yesterday in our yard. What a treat! We look so forward to that every year that we take bets on the date that they will arrive. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Last year they arrived on May 2nd, so they were a few days earlier this year. Have you seen one yet? Gorgeous bird, don’t you think?

The Double-Crested Cormorants Are Back On Cape Cod!

The Double-Crested Cormorants are back on Cape Cod and so much fun to watch as they dip and dive for food. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

I saw this guy swimming on Boat  Meadow Creek and I just loved how I could see the vivid blue color of his eyes. I’m not sure I have ever seen that before.

Beautiful bird, don’t you think?

And They Flew In Just In Time… At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

Phil and I were having a picnic breakfast at the overlook at Fort Hill yesterday morning when he commented, “I can’t believe we haven’t seen any Egrets yet this year, not even on the salt marsh.” I said, “It is strange because people are posting photos of them.”

Less than a minute later, 6 Egrets flew in and landed at a little pond  right in front of us on Nauset Marsh… unbelievable! There were 3 Great Egrets and 3 Snowy Egrets. Wow!

I quickly got out of the car and walked part way down toward the salt marsh and took a few photographs. I didn’t want to scare them away. So cool….

Wishing you all a Happy Easter and hoping you get to see something special today too!

Never A Dull Moment On Cape Cod… Even On A Rainy Day!

Yesterday was a rainy morning when we went for a “car picnic” at Boat Meadow Beach. It was raining pretty hard, but still so pretty. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

All of a sudden a car drove up and a lady pulled two cages out of the back of her car. It looked like Wild Care was going to release a bird on the beach. I didn’t get to speak with her as the raindrops were coming down pretty fast.

We watched as she carried the cages to the beach and released one seagull and then another. We watched them saunter around the beach and then both fly off. Wow!

Wild Care Cape Cod is amazing. The work they do to rehabilitate birds and animals is incredible and so wonderful to see their releases back into the wild.

Kudos to Wild Cape Cape Cod! We are all so fortunate to have you so close by!