Tag Archives: Cape Cod

There Are A Lot Of Seals In Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod!

We had a  wonderful paddle in our kayaks around Nauset Marsh from Goose Hummock the other day. It was  a gorgeous day, with blue skies and a nice breeze. A nice respite from the hot and humid weather that we have been having lately. (Click on blog link to see other photo.)

We saw several seals swimming in the waters near Nauset Spit, which we have seen for the past couple of years. It wasn’t until we started to paddle back via another route that we heard this very loud cacophony which sounded just like seals. As we got closer we could see a sandbar that had hundreds of seals lazing about. Wow! We were shocked… that there were so many seals there so far from the spit and not very far from Town Cove. When did that happen?

Has anyone else seen all of these seals on the marsh side of Nauset Spit?

A New Family of Blue Jays In Our Yard On Cape Cod.

I wanted to write a blog in honor of my sister, Terri, who died very unexpectedly a year ago today. Her favorite bird was the Blue Jay.
Where we grew up in CT, there were Blue Jays everywhere, always very noisy with their loud jeers. We had never had very many Blue Jays at our home here on Cape Cod…. until this summer.
We now have a family of Blue Jays, a mom and dad and 3 little ones, who hang around our yard constantly. They eat everything in sight and love our little bird bath. Every time I see one of them, I think of her.
I saw this little one at the bird bath the other day and I thought it would be a perfect tribute to my sister. I miss you, Terri.  These little ones wake us up at 5:30  every morning and continue with their jeers, clicks, clucks, whirs and whines all day long reminding us of you and your love of them!!

Pretty Pearl Crescent Butterfly In Our Yard On Cape Cod.

I saw this pretty Pearl Crescent flitting from one bush to another. I wasn’t sure what kind of butterfly it was, so I used my Leps App and found out that it is a Pearl Crescent. (Click on blog link to see other photo.)

It looks so different with the wings spread out and folded up. Pretty little butterfly, don’t you think?