Category Archives: Cape Cod Photography

No Shortage Of Benches Here On Cape Cod!

If you want a place to sit and relax or read or visit or picnic, or just about anything , there is no shortage of benches here on Cape Cod. You just have to look around and find one that suits you. (Click on blog link for full photo.)

I found this bench on the beach at Flax Pond in Nickerson State Park in Brewster. It looks perfect for just about anything!You can hike around the pond until you find a bench or you can park your car fairly close and just walk there.

This one looks pretty inviting, don’t you think? Have you found the perfect bench to relax?

Mystery Bird At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod!

We were at Rock Harbor yesterday photographing some of the seabirds that frequent the area. When I took this photograph, I thought it was a Bufflehead… until I enlarged it on by camera. Hmmm… it did not have the markings of a Bufflehead, and why was its eye golden when Buffleheads have black eyes?

Phil and I thought maybe it was a hybrid between a Bufflehead and a Golden Eye, but we didn’t know if birds could be hybrids. We were driving by The Bird Watcher’s General Store later in the afternoon, so I stopped in to ask Mike, the owner, what it was. I was sure that I had a new species! He said it was a hybrid and has been spotted at Rock Harbor for the past 3 winters. Mystery solved…

Pretty cool, don’t you think? Have you seen it at Rock Harbor?