Tag Archives: Cape Cod

It’s Looking Like Fall Over The Salt Marsh On Cape Cod.

This was such a pretty, fall photograph overlooking the salt marsh. I love the Bittersweet berries in their bright red to orange to yellow colors.

“The berries on this plant were called bittersweet by colonists for their resemblance to nightshade berries. They are usually dark to light orange in color, but can sometimes be yellow or almost red. American bittersweet berries are important late-winter food sources for birds, who then “plant” the seeds for more vines.”

My mom used to pick these Bittersweet vines and then wind them into a wreath for the fall. It was always so festive. Fun memories…

Beautiful Great Blue Heron At Kent Point On Cape Cod.

You never know what you will see when you’re at Kent Point in Orleans. Today we were treated to this gorgeous Great Blue Heron fishing among the tall grass by the bay. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

As it flew away,  Phil and I each got one photograph of it flying… his is solo in the sky where mine is with the sailboat in the background.

Such an elegant bird… definitely my favorite!