Tag Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

Lots Of Turtle Nests At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod!

You can tell where the turtle nests are at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary by the little cages around them and the blue flag. The species in each cage is also identified. I saw some Painted Turtle cages and some Diamondback Terrapin nests.

It will be very interesting when the little ones hatch and try to make it back to the waters of Cape Cod Bay. I remember last year seeing some of them which the volunteers had collected to help them on their way and they were tiny, only about an inch.

Have you seen the nest cages at the Sanctuary? Or anywhere else?

Another Gorgeous Kayaking Day On Cape Cod

It was another picture-perfect day for kayaking the Nauset Marsh out to Nauset Spit. We launched from Goose Hummock, so it was a nice long paddle. And yes, we did see a few seals along the way.

We remembered our folding seats that fit in the hatch, so that was a big treat at lunchtime. Just sit down, relax and enjoy those last days of summer.

It doesn’t get much prettier!

National Seashore Ranger Programs At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

It was great to see this big class of entire families enjoying the knowledge of the National Seashore ranger on Coast Guard Beach. I’m sure they are learning about the beach and the salt marsh and erosion and the sharks and anything that is important on the National Seashore.

What a wonderful experience for all who were involved! It looked like a lot of fun!

Gorgeous Day At Coast Guard Beach on Cape Cod.

It was a picture perfect, gorgeous day at Coast Guard Beach, part of the National Seashore. In fact, the weather the past few days has been spectacular!

This photo reminds me of the “last hurrah” before school starts for most next week. Sunny, warm and everyone just enjoying that last little bit of beach before school starts!

So pretty, don’t you think?