Category Archives: Cape Cod Photography

Rare, Thick-Billed Murre At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod

Phil and I were enjoying a glorious day at Boat Meadow after the snowstorm last week when I saw this duck out of the corner of my eye. It was swimming close to shore and didn’t look very familiar. I had my camera so I clicked away.

I checked my Sibley when I got home but all I came up with was a Thick -Billed Murre which is rare around here, especially on the bayside.

I waited until our friend, who is an astute birder,  returned from his vacation and showed him my photograph. Yes, it was a Thick-Billed Murre and he was most jealous! He has never seen one .

How cool is that?!

Pretty Day For A Hike At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

It was a beautiful day to be out for a hike at Fort Hill, on the National Seashore on Cape Cod. The lighting was so pretty.

We decided to explore the Red Maple Swamp Trail, which has been partly closed for years. We ran into some National Park workers and they said that it should be open again. by summer. That will be awesome because you can do a loop through the woods, across the boardwalk and then back up to the meadows. It is really pretty!

Have you ever been to Fort Hill?

A Snowy First Encounter Beach Parking Lot On Cape Cod In Black And White

This was such a cool photograph of First Encounter Beach in Eastham on Cape Cod after the snow storm. I loved the tire tracks and just the desolateness of it all.

I liked it in black and white. What do you think?