Category Archives: Cape Cod Photography

First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod’s Welcoming Committee!

Whenever I ride my bike down to First Encounter Beach early in the morning, there is always a “Welcoming Committee” of Willetts ready to greet me. They are so many of them… on the First Encounter sign, on the fence, on the fence posts and on the top of the trees. They are all chatting away. There must be 15-20 of them all around. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

The Willett is a  wonderful sign of summer and such a beautiful and social bird!

And so nice to see first thing in the morning!

Chatty Catbirds Are Here On Cape Cod!

I always love it when the Catbirds come back to the Cape for the summer. Everywhere you go, you can here them chattering away. And they are so friendly, you can get pretty close to them.

This guy was singing away up in the tree on the Nauset Marsh Trail. I loved the coloring. What do you think?

Fort Hill Trails On Cape Cod Are Just Gorgeous!

The Wild Roses are blooming all along the trails at Fort Hill. I loved this photograph of the trail overlooking Nauset Marsh with the tall cattails waving in the breeze and the pretty pink roses.

What do you think?

Pretty, Little White Lesser Stitchwort Wildflowers At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The Lesser Stitchwort wildflowers are blooming and just gorgeous. I saw them the other day along the trails at Fort Hill. They have pretty star-like flowers which are tiny, only 15-18mm across. It’s very hard to miss them, if you are not looking.

So pretty, don’t you think? I love the pink anthers!