Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Flax Pond Loop Trail At Nickerson State Park In Brewster On Cape Cod.

It was another cold and windy day so we headed inland over to Nickerson State Park. We had never hiked the Flax Pond Loop Trail so we thought we’d give it a “go.” (Click on blog link to see other photos.)

What a beautiful hike! Most of the trail is within a few feet of the pond which makes it so pretty and great for taking photographs. We started out on the shady side which was a bit brisk to start but ended on the sunny side which was much warmer.

It was a sunny day so you can see all the beautiful reflections in the pond as you hike around. There are also a lot of beaches for swimming, picnic tables for picnicking and benches for sitting. We thought about how much fun families and especially the kids would have during the summer months.

Just beautiful, don’t you think? Have you ever been to Nickerson State Park in the summer?


Marconi Beach In Wellfleet Is Just Gorgeous!

If you hike the White Cedar Swamp Trail in Wellfleet and then take the ramp up to the overlook where the old Marconi Wireless Station used to be, this is what you will see. Pretty spectacular, don’t you think? (Click on blog link for other photograph.)

I took the two photographs with my new iPhone 12 Pro and used the two settings. I couldn’t decide which one  I liked better. What do you think?

Stormy Cape Cod Bay At Rock Harbor Yesterday!

We woke up yesterday morning to the howling of the wind and some rain on the windows. I thought to myself, “I bet Cape Cod Bay is cranking!” So we took a drive over to Rock Harbor and I got this photograph. The wind and the waves were unbelievable! It’s not often we get such whitecaps on the bayside.

Just beautiful, don’t you think? Love the Seagull flying above.

Beautiful Hermit Thrush At My Feeder Yesterday On Cape Cod!

Yesterday was such a dark and dreary, rainy day. Not much you can do outside on a day like that! I happened to look out the window at the feeders, wondering if there might be anything out there feeding. Hmmm… There was this bird perched on top of the feeder just looking around. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It didn’t look like anything I’d ever seen before so I grabbed my camera and clicked away. And then I put it on my computer and said, “Wow!” I looked in my Sibley book and thought it might be a Thrush, and at my feeder in the middle of winter. It was a first for me!

To identify exactly what type of bird it was,I contacted a good friend  of mine who happens to be the Executive Director at Wild Care Cape Cod, Stephanie Ellis. She got right back to me verifying that it was a Hermit Thrush. Wow! Thank you, Stephanie!

Wild Care Cape Cod is a wonderful wildlife rehabilitation center in Eastham on Cape Cod that helps sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. Last year Wild Care provided care for 1,865 animals. “They exist to help wildlife and only with support can they make this possible. A donation of any size will help.” They even have a Smile and Wish List on Amazon!

Thank you, Stephanie for your help yesterday and also for the wonderful job you do at Wild Care!